City of Newport
Transportation System Plan Update

Newport TSP

The City of Newport and the Oregon Department of Transportation updated the Transportation System Plan (TSP) to consider all modes of travel and provide guidance on how to invest in the transportation system through a combination of projects, policies, and programs to meet travel needs for our growing, coastal city.

The TSP will guide how we develop and invest in our transportation system to meet the current and future needs of Newport and surrounding areas. It helps determine which projects, policies and programs may receive funding.

Public Hearings

Public hearings will be held between May and July 2022. Anyone interested in attending can contact Derrick Tokos, City of Newport Community Development Director at 541-574-0626 or to sign up for notification when the dates are set.

Interactive Project Map

Visit this interactive map to learn more about the projects included in the Draft Transportation System Plan. 

Transportation System Plan 2022 Web Map

Project Information

Both the Planning Commission and City Council will review the draft Transportation System Plan (TSP). Meeting dates and materials can be viewed with the links below: 

Bi-lingual Video (2 min 39 sec) - Learn about the Newport TSP

Project Schedule

Learn & Understand (2019-2020)

  • Introduce project to stakeholders.
  • Evaluate existing conditions and future growth trends.
  • Discuss community values and transportation goals.
  • Develop performance measures and evaluation.
  • Coordinate with state and regional plans.

Analyze & Evaluate (2020-2021)

  • Determine future conditions.
  • Develop alternative solutions for all modes of travel.
  • Evaluate and refine draft solutions with the community.

Recommend & Adopt (2021-2022)

  • Identify preferred alternatives.
  • Develop draft plan for public review.
  • Hold public meetings with city boards, commissions and council.
  • City Council adopts TSP.


Newport’s Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a long‐range plan that establishes goals, policies and transportation related investments

A TSP is required by Oregon's Statewide Planning Goal 12 and Transportation Planning Rule. Further, the plan will implement strategies contained in the Greater Newport Vision 2040 and Northside Urban Renewal Plan, which prioritize maintenance, upgrades, and revitalization within the US Highway 101 and US Highway 20 corridors.

The TSP considers all modes of travel and provides guidance on how to invest in the transportation system through a combination of projects, policies, and programs to meet travel needs for our growing, coastal city.

Why update the TSP?

Newport’s TSP needed to be updated to better reflect the current conditions and growing needs of the community. The City, State and others will make significant investments in the transportation system in the coming years and the plan informs how those dollars should be spent.

The City's previous TSP was adopted in 1997 and partially updated in 2008 and 2012. That TSP didn't accurately reflect the current condition or growing needs of our community. This TSP update describes how to meet the current and future needs of residents, businesses, and visitors—now and for the next 20 years.

TSP Elements

The Newport TSP update addresses:

  • Desired streetscape, urban form, and arterial/collector roadway configuration for the City’s commercial core areas intended to catalyze redevelopment and meet the community’s long-term transportation needs.

  • Viability of a north-south local roadway alternative to US 101.

  • Integrated multi-use bike and pedestrian network that improves connectivity between neighborhoods, visitor destinations, and natural areas.

  • Traffic calming measures and bicyclist and pedestrian safety needs, with an emphasis on high volume corridors.

  • Transit needs of the community, including a coordinated strategy to augment and maintain the system.

  • Acceptable street cross-sections with a palette of options that are responsive to different forms of development, environmental limitations and terrain constraints.

  • Infill frontage improvement requirements that strike a reasonable balance between the cost to the developer and needs of the community.

TSP Study Area
TSP Study Area


Project materials and reports developed during the planning process.

Events & Meetings

Information about public meetings and events.


Community Workshops

  • Fall 2020

  • Summer 2021

    • An in-person workshop for the community was held at City Hall on August 11th where attendees discussed the draft solutions for Newport's future transportation system.

    • Community members participated in the second online open house from August 2 through August 30th. They reviewed the draft solutions for Newport's current transportation challenges and shared feedback. Click here to visit the online open house which happened on August 11th. 

    • The community thoughts, questions and concerns from the first round of public outreach are gathered in this Outreach Summary (PDF, 600 KB) 


Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Policy Advisory Committee will provide a community perspective and advice to the Project Management Team (PMT) to inform the process of developing the TSP Update. 

Persons wishing to submit testimony to the Transportation System Plan Policy Advisory Committee, may send written comments to The written comments must be received four hours before a scheduled meeting. These comments will be acknowledged by the committee at the appropriate time but will not be read aloud during the meetings.
If you wish to make a "real time" comment during a meeting, a request to speak must be received four hours prior to a scheduled meeting. The request should be e-mailed to Once a request to speak has been received, staff will send the requestor the Zoom meeting link. This link will allow a requestor to participate via video or telephone. The request to speak should include the agenda item on which the requestor wishes to speak. If the comments are not related to a particular agenda item, the request to speak should include a notation that the request is for general public comment, and the general topic.
All public meetings of the City of Newport are livestreamed and televised on Charter Channel 190. To access the livestream, visit the Transportation System Plan Policy Advisory Committee page at Once there, an "in progress" note will appear if the meeting is underway; click on the "in progress" link to watch the livestream. It is not possible to get into a meeting that will be livestreamed before the meeting starts.
  • PAC #1 - October 16, 2019, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #1 was to introduce PAC members to the project, describe the TSP update process, provide an overview of transportation planning for TSPs, and outline the project’s next steps and future PAC meetings.
  • PAC #2 - March 12, 2020, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #2 was to review what has been learned to date, discuss and respond to the stakeholder interview questions, provide feedback on draft approach for the Community Workshop series set for April, and review the initial concepts for highway system improvements.
  • PAC #3 - September 9, 2020, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #3 is to review findings for future baseline analysis and review the proposed Event Plan for Workshop #1 activities.
  • PAC #4 - February 25, 2021, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #4 is to review public comments collected through Workshop #1 and the next steps moving forward including the initial findings of solution evaluations. 
  • PAC #5 - July 8, 2021, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #5 is to review the draft solutions and provide an update on the upcoming outreach activities. 
  • PAC #6 - December 16, 2021, 6:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
    The purpose of Meeting #6 is to review the public comments collected through Workshop #2 and the draft Transportation System Plan.
  • PAC #7 - January 27, 2022, 4:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers
  • PAC #8 - February 24, 2022, 4:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers 
  • PAC #9 - March 24, 2022, 4:00pm
    Newport City Hall Council Chambers

City Council 


Submit feedback to the project team.

Questions? Comments?

Contact: Derrick Tokos AICP
City of Newport Community Development Director