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April 2021
New Odor Control System at Ridgefield Treatment Plant (RTP)
An odor control project is in motion at RTP that will help address the two primary sources of odor at the facility. Open channels where sewage enters the plant and a solids-holding tank will be covered and ventilated through an activated carbon system to treat the odors from these locations. The construction work is expected to happen this summer and be in service by fall. While this system is expected to make a noticeable difference in the odor levels from the facility, it is important to note that other areas of the plant with more mild odors will still be present, and maintenance work occasionally requires basins to be taken off-line which can also create odors on a short-term basis. The odor treatment unit is being relocated from the Salmon Creek Treatment Plant in the Felida area. The unit was made available through the Discovery Clean Water Alliance wastewater partnership serving the region.
June 2020
Last summer, Clark Regional Wastewater District and the City of Ridgefield received several odor complaints from neighbors near the Ridgefield Treatment Plant. District staff investigated and took steps to reduce odor; but were unable to pinpoint a specific source. Several months later in the winter, the District responded to a blockage in a pipeline near 1st Avenue and Hall Street, near the treatment plant. The blockage was cleared, and flow was restored. District operators suspect that grease accumulation in the pipeline had partially blocked flow last summer and caused an increase in foul odor emission since that time. Eventually this led to a complete blockage.
Help us minimize these types of blockages by proper disposal of grease and other materials. Learn more here: https://www.crwwd.com/pollution-prevention/
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