We’ve updated the design to complete Milwaukie Bay Park! Thank you to over 1,300 community members who participated in the process from August 2018 through April 2019 as we updated the plans for final improvements.
See the Final Design (plan view).
See the landscape architect’s rendering.
We heard feedback on key elements, including a children’s play area, water feature, art and social gathering areas. Your preferences and feedback informed the creation of three alternative park designs — and then the Final Design.
The final design phase for Milwaukie Bay Park launched in August 2018. Developing the Park is a joint effort between the City of Milwaukie and the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District.
A plan for the Park was adopted in 2010 by the City of Milwaukie, serving as the foundation for many agencies, community partners, and local citizens to participate in shaping improvements over the years. Many elements of that plan were completed by the City over the past decade, including the Klein Point Overlook, new boat launch and landing, auto and boat trailer parking, restroom facilities, temporary Trolley Trail connection, a riverside path, river bank stabilization and plantings, and an improved access bridge over Kellogg Creek.
A bank repair project that incorporates pedestrian access down to the river was recently completed. Download an illustrated document.
Now in the final phase, remaining elements of the plan are being updated and further refined to meet today’s needs for the City, NCPRD, and the people they serve. Current considerations include preserving the redwood tree, having the planned water feature be interactive, and geese mitigation — to name a few.
The final design focuses specifically on the approximately 2.5-acre grassy area between McLoughlin/OR99E and the riverside path. Construction of the final planned improvements is anticipated to begin in 2020.
The Final Design was presented to the public at an April 24 meeting.
Thanks for continuing to learn and share your ideas! In November and December we held our second public meeting and several small group meetings to discuss three Design Alternatives. We met with more than 125 people living and working in the City and District, and heard from more than 375 people in our online survey. We heard what people preferred in the different alternatives, heard new ideas, and used this feedback to guide development of a single Final Design.
(Click the image to read a summary of what we heard in November/December 2018.)
On August 24, more than 300 people attended a celebration and design kickoff event at Milwaukie Bay Park. Attendees learned about the project and gave input to the team for design alternatives being developed this fall. Here is a summary of what we heard.
(Click the image to read a summary of what we heard in August 2018.)
(Click the image to read a summary of what we heard in November/December 2018.)
Our Steering Advisory, the "SAC," represented many community interests during final design. The SAC helped the design team identify preliminary concerns and issues; gave feedback on community outreach plans; gave feedback on programming, design alternatives, and final design; and gave input on additional aspects of the project as needed — such as funding strategies and other important aspects of the project.
SAC meetings are also open to the public. All meetings are 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Download this info as a printable fact sheet.
In addition to the river, the creeks, and a burgeoning downtown, there are several local parks and natural areas nearby and significant local and regional transportation connections such as the Trolley Trail, bike and pedestrian routes, MAX light rail, TriMet bus transit, and Oregon 99E.
Developing the final design for the park site is a joint effort between the City of Milwaukie and the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District. The final planned improvements, which will create new amenities and recreational opportunities, were revised and updated following a robust public engagement process — with anticipated construction in 2020.
While the full park property is almost seven acres, the Milwaukie Bay Park final design process focused specifically on the approximately 2.5-acre grassy area between McLoughlin/OR99E and the riverside path in the park.
A plan for the park was adopted by the City in 2010. Many other agencies, community partners and local citizens have participated in making improvements over the years. Its opening in May 2015 introduced:
Now it’s time to plan, fund and build the final phase of the site — including places at the park for people to gather, play, and enjoy nature. This design effort revisited the plan adopted in 2010 to update and revise elements that were not completed in previous phases, integrating these in a final design that meets today's needs for the City, the District and the people they serve.
The 2010 approvals process and ongoing planning for the park have provided guidance for the current update, including:
What's the status of the park design?
The design process started in summer 2018. A design was approved in spring 2019. In 2019, the City and District aim to prepare construction documents, obtain permits and agency approvals, and secure funding. We hope to construct improvements in 2020.
Who made the decision on the final design for the park?
Ultimately, the Milwaukie City Council and NCRPRD Board approved the final park designs. The Project Management team of City and NCRPD made recommendations. A Steering Advisory Committee, a Technical Advisory Group, and public input informed the designs.
Learn more: Download the full set of questions and answers as a printable document.
Es hora de actualizar los planos para las mejoras finales del Milwaukie Bay Park. Se prevé que la construcción de las mejoras finales comenzarán en 2020, pero primero queremos escuchar su opinión. Cuéntenos cómo desea disfrutar de su parque en el futuro completando una encuesta rápida.